I was horrified by a story I heard today. A friend who was recently in the Galapagos Islands told me about a couple of girls he was with during his travels, who spent a day by themselves exploring the island. Upon returning they were showing off their photos, some of which were of them standing on top of a tortoise. Standing on top of a tortoise! WTF! The Galapagos Islands are a haven for extraordinary wildlife that needs to be protected, not taunted and abused by stupid travelers.

As my friend continued to tell me the story, I was embarrassed to hear the girls were Australian. Disrespectful travelers appear from all corners of the globe, and unfortunately this time it was Australia. Those who show a complete arrogance and stupidity whilst on the road are one of my most hated parts of backpacking. Those of us who travel are so fortunate to do so, whether short or long term, and the last thing anyone wants is their adventure ruined by someone being a dick.

I have had, on many occasions, people in dorm rooms turning on lights at 4am, unpacking bags and leaving their junk spread across the floor, insulting and humiliating hostel chefs and staff because something didn’t go the way they wanted.

Being disrespectful to the environment and people around you is a dick thing to do. You won’t make friends, you won’t be someone others want to hang out with, and you won’t be invited back.

So don’t do it. Karma is very real, and it’s going to kick you in the ass if you deserve it. So instead, make the most of the opportunity you have to explore our amazing world. Look after it. Look after everything and everyone you see. Your travels will be so much more rewarding, and you’ll be highly invigorated by the opportunities that result.