In just over two weeks I will once again leave my job, my family and my friends to set-off for the other side of the world. This will be my third time going through this process and it’s still as stressful as the other times.

I’ve been back here in Adelaide, Australia for just over six months, working, saving, planning and stock-piling a heap of things to take with me when I leave. I’m once again headed to Ecuador and this time I really don’t know when I will be back in Australia.

Planning an indefinite move away from a life you’ve known is incredibly stressful, not matter where you are in the world or how long you’ve been there. Other permanent travelers I’ve spoken with who decide to stop in one place and work, relax or simply recharge their batteries have all gone through the dreaded feeling of getting comfortable and then packing up to move on again.

During the past six months I’ve been working full-time to save as much money as possible for my next adventure. I’ve also enjoyed spending time with my family and friends, and am now coming to terms with the fact that I’m choosing once again to leave them.

But what’s really effecting me at the moment is the general stress of organising everything to leave. This time is a little different from my first two long-term travel stints as I’m returning to a country that I love, a boyfriend I have been missing like crazy and I am taking a huge amount of stuff with me!

My flight booking allows for 2 x 23kg checked bags, so as well as my large and small backpacks I will be taking an actual suitcase – a first for me. My brand new suitcase will be full of items that I anticipate I’ll need in my daily life, but are not overly accessible in Ecuador. Most people think I’m crazy when I say my bags will be packed with a tent, a food processor, and way more shoes that I have ever owned let alone traveled with. But I’m hoping to be in Ecuador for a significant amount of time, and this time rather than packing to travel I’m packing to relocate. This is a completely new scenario for me, hence my stress.

As my departure date grows closer, my lists multiply. I have a list of things I need to pack, a list of things I need to buy, a list of things I have already bought and need to pack, a list of things that I’ve ordered online and am waiting to arrive. I’m also trying to wrap up my work projects to make the last day handover as easy as possible. Of course my last day handover will happen about three hours before I board my flight because as usual, my last day of work is also the day I depart.

Additionally I’ve been lax in writing blog posts and I’m sorry to my regular readers. Bear with me for another couple of weeks and I’ll soon be back to posting helpful posts about amazing places throughout world from my new location.

But regardless of the stress I’m hugely excited to be once again boarding a plane and heading into adventures unknown. I know it will be awesome and this is what I’m supposed to be doing. It will be great to be through these next couple of weeks planning, packing and organising, and once again live a traveling wanderlust life that I love so very much.

BTW does anyone know the rules on taking vegetable seeds into South American countries?!?!?!
