Traveling both short and long-term can be an intense experience. Discovering new places, meeting new people, eating interesting food and getting lost frequently is amazing, but it’s also exhausting.

Traveler burn-out is a real issue, especially for those of us who are constantly on the move. As great as it is to explore all day, party into the night and get up to do it again the next day, when this becomes your life week after week it can be nice to take a travelers’ day off.

Hammock Milano

Sometimes the best days are spent in a hammock.

Similar to when people at home say they ‘need to have a weekend off,’ there is nothing wrong with travelers taking a day or two to chill out. Whether it be relaxing in a hostel using wifi, watching movies, or spending the day on the beach reading a book, it is important to fit some downtime in when you need it.

Not only will you feel better for your upcoming adventures, stopping also lets you reflect on the amazing life you’re living, plan what you need to for the days and weeks ahead, regain your energy and connect with others around you who are also enjoying some downtime.