It’s early Sunday afternoon and I’m sitting in my pyjamas at my Aunt’s kitchen table writing for the blog as housework goes on around me. This week I’m living in a house of teenagers, so still being in my pyjamas past midday on Sunday is considered pretty normal.

In the past 5 months that I’ve been back in Australia I’ve been living out of a bag and regularly moving between different houses. At the moment I have keys for 4 houses on my keyring, all of which I’m able to enter freely and stay in a room of my own. Deciding to continue renting out my house upon returning to Australia and finding alternate accommodation in the months until I leave again was an easy decision. I’m incredibly fortunate to have family and friends who welcome me into their homes and lives, often at short notice. This week I’ve had a great time experiencing the world of young people with multiple netball games, funny internet videos and Krispy Kreme donuts for dinner.

Couchsurfing family

A couple of my crazy family members I have the good fortune to stay with.

I should say at this point that I try and contribute as much as I can to the houses I’m in. Making dinner, washing dishes or helping with laundry, I’m very happy contributing to daily household chores. I enjoy quickly integrating myself into the lifestyle of those around me.

As all of my current couchsurfing houses are located in completely different areas of Adelaide I’ve had to work out basic tasks like transport to work, where supermarkets and takeaway places are in the area, and a timeline of how long I will be staying in each location. Last week I took the train for the first time ever, the week before it was a tram, before that Park & Ride on the bus.

Couchsurfing bed

I’m very lucky to have a few clean beds and bedrooms to choose from around Adelaide.

I’m adventuring through a city I have lived in my whole life. Couchsurfing amongst my friends and family has given me the opportunity to spend time with the people I love but only get to see periodically. I’m living a traveler lifestyle whilst at home and not only am I saving money for my upcoming South American travels, I’m completely loving it.