The countdown is on. I leave for South America in just over 7 weeks and am getting excited. Everything is coming together and my focus is shifting from coping with ‘normal’ daily life to packing up and getting on the road. Again!

The journey so far hasn’t all been sunshine and rainbows. The past couple of weeks have been incredibly stressful.  My car took longer to sell than I expected. I needed to drop the price more than I had anticipated, there were a couple of false enquiries and a long couple weeks of silence causing me to start doubting myself, which I hate. I’ve also been moving between houses in my constant search for free wifi and a comfortable bed, working full time during the day, and blogging and web designing at night.

But yet again when I was at my lowest point, a broken down stressed out mess, everything changed. I received a call about the car at lunchtime couple of weeks ago and sold it that evening. The new owner is fantastic, I was happy with the sale price and smiled as I watched my beautiful car be driven away. I have amazing family and friends who happily let me couchsurf with them whilst tapping into their high-speed wifi and of course my increased bank balance has boosted my confidence!

I went ahead with my Yellow Fever vaccination, have decided to do Machu Picchu my way, and have booked travel and tours for my first couple of months on the road.

Travel agent

My amazing travel agent making magic happen!

My happiness is coming back. The need to be traveling and living a nomadic life has not eased in the 4 months that I’ve been home. But knowing that I’m working my ass off to achieve an amazing, life changing existence is what keeps me going with so much passion.

I’m really excited to share the next year of my life with you 🙂