The opportunity to travel is one of the greatest privileges anyone can have. No matter if you’re traveling long-term or just enjoying a quick break, make the most of your time, money and experiences.

Here are my 5 top tips for enjoying your travels:

1. Get Up Early

Sunrise Angkor Wat

Enjoying sunrise at Angkor Wat in Cambodia is stunning.

Starting your holiday with a sleep-in is amazing, and you should definitely spend a morning or two enjoying your bed. But don’t snooze through every morning while you’re away. Watching the world wake-up is a glimpse into local life that’s not otherwise seen. Many cultures practice religions, prepare food or exercise at sunrise, and it’s often amazing to witness.

Starting your day early also means that you can often bet the crowds at major tourist locations. Get in and out early, beat the lines and enjoy the afternoon exploring elsewhere.

2. Speak the Local Language as Much as Possible

School Laos

Saying hello in the local language is welcomed by everyone.

Learning a new language is a huge challenge, especially if you’re only traveling for a short period of time. As a visitor, you’re not expected to have in-depth foreign language conversations, but knowing a few words and phrases can be extremely beneficial. When traveling into a new region I’ve found greeting locals with hello, please and thank you in their own language encourages a much warmer welcome. Most people appreciate that you’re having a go and are willing to have a go themselves at responding in English.

3. Greet Everyone with a Smile

Hmong women Vietnam

Smiles transcend language barriers.

I meet so many wonderful people around the world and have found the best way to break the ice is with a smile. Whether walking into a shop, a hostel or making eye contact with someone on the street, smiling makes you so much more attractive and approachable. A smile is hard to resist and one of your best assets, so you use it constantly and you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the results.

4. When Packing Luggage Roll Everything

Rolled clothes

Rolling clothes saves so much space!

Packing is something that many travelers hate. Trying to make everything fit, removing items you wish you had room for and searching through your bag for the thing you know is there but just can’t find can be incredibly annoying. My best packing tip is to roll everything. Clothing, underwear, towels – whatever it is will fit a million times better if it’s rolled. Plus rolling clothing not only saves space, but it also helps prevent creases and wrinkles.

5. Carry Snacks Everywhere

Travel snacks

While not overly nutritious travel snacks are always great to have handy.

This last tip is probably more relevant to me as a diabetic, however when you’re out and about you never know when hunger will strike. Carrying small food items like musli bars, granola bars or candy can be life saving when you need a quick energy boost. Unexpected airport delays, hostels that don’t serve breakfast or long bus rides are so much cheaper more pleasant when you have food handy.

Image credit: Connie Ma
Image credit: Anisa C