Yesterday I was talking with my friend Emily who has been kind enough to let me stay with her and her family in North Carolina, USA. We were talking about my plans over the next few weeks, where I’m going, who I am staying with, and Emily said to me, “sounds to me like you are going to have a few good days.”

My response to her was, “I don’t have any bad days anymore. At all.”

As these words came out of my mouth I realised how completely true they are.

To me, a ‘bad day’ was a stress filled day at work, or at home, where I was doing something that didn’t sit right with me. Trying to make deadlines, do something to please somebody else and it not working out, or having an argument or misunderstanding with person I didn’t necessarily like but had to work with / associate with out of duty to someone else.

I have none of this anymore. Bad days do not exist in my world.

Certainly everyday of my life is not sunshine and rainbows. I have challenging days, exhausting days, lonely days. I struggle sometimes and have moments when I miss my friends and loved ones, needing their support at 4am when I’m lying in a tent, on the ground, freezing cold in the pouring rain…. 🙂

But I am completely happy. Everyday. Never have I been as happy in my life as I have over the past 5 & 1/2 months.

I know my lifestyle is not for everyone. Backpacking around the world is amazing, but definitely not everyone’s cup of tea. But I want everyone to feel this level of happiness. If you are thinking of something that you would love to do, see, create, work in, travel to – do it.

If I hadn’t been brave enough to reach out and take this opportunity, I shudder to think how many bad days I would still be having….