It is with much nostalgia and some sadness that today I remove my BusAbout wristband. Upon my arrival in Paris four days ago, my BusAbout time was officially over, however the orange BusAbout band remained on my arm as a great identifier for both myself and other BusAbout passengers whilst staying in the recommended hostel. However for me, the wristband had become more of a comfort and a symbol of belonging to something in the middle of my crazy adventure around the world.


I have LOVED traveling through Europe. The fun I have had visiting so many different towns, cities and countries has far exceeded my expectations before arriving, and this is largely due to the easiness and safety of BusAbout.

I booked the South and West BusAbout loops which took me from Italy through into Switzerland and Germany, back through Italy again into Spain and finally France. As the loops crossed in Nice, France and I boarded in Rome, Italy, I repeated a section of the of the South loop to make my way into Spain on the West. All of this was done with a minimum of effort and fuss.

Traveling on BusAbout gave me a sense of security. Through the My Trip portal on the BusAbout website I was able to book my bus travel, hostels, know where departures were and when, see how busy specific segments of the loops were, and adjust or change any or all of my bookings relatively easily. (*Note – I did find the My Trip site to be somewhat frustrating at times and needed to speak with the bus guide about my segment bookings. However all BusAbout guides have a computer that they can access passenger itineraries through for bus bookings and were able to book or confirm travel for me.)

BusAbout allowed me the freedom to thoroughly enjoy every city without having to stress. When I was booked on a BusAbout coach to move on to the next city, all I had to do was show up. There would be a bus, a guide, and a driver who would put my bag on and check me in, and I just had to grab a seat, sit back and relax knowing I was safe and on my way.

I never encountered a ‘bad’ guide. I had heard stories from other BusAbout travelers that they had guides they didn’t particularly like, but I think this is more of a personality clash than anything. Strangely I traveled Europe for just over two months with BusAbout and only met four or five guides the entire time. For a system that has a bus leaving every two days I thought I would encounter many more, however it was great to see a guide that I had previously met and liked was going to again take me through to a new destination.

BusAbout provides the freedom to travel through Europe on a whim without feeling alone.

#HopOn 🙂