A much needed holiday break in the US

    By |2018-02-21T14:17:19+10:30February 21st, 2018|Categories: Destinations, North Amercia, USA|Tags: , , , |

    I recently returned from a much needed holiday break in the USA and it was so great. Living in Galapagos is amazing and there is not one day that I do not appreciate the wonderful life we have here, but [...]

      Rekindling Travel Friendships

      By |2017-01-24T08:00:45+10:30September 19th, 2016|Categories: Destinations, North Amercia, Tours, USA|Tags: , , , |

      Last weekend I was lucky enough to celebrate the marriage of two very good friends in Sydney, Australia. The day was gorgeous, the wedding was beautiful and of course the bride looked stunning. One of the best parts was meeting [...]

        Vegan Life After 3 Months

        By |2017-06-10T03:05:24+09:30December 14th, 2015|Categories: Diabetic Travel, Ecuador, Life on the Road, South America|Tags: , , , , |

        Those of you who know me or have been following me on Instagram for a while will be aware that three months ago I switched to a vegan diet. At the beginning of this process I wrote about the difficulties [...]

          Delta Air Lines Lost Luggage Nightmare

          By |2015-12-07T12:49:26+10:30December 7th, 2015|Categories: Destinations, Ecuador, North Amercia, South America, USA|Tags: , , , , , |

          Over the weekend I flew back into Ecuador from New York. Having booked a red-eye flight with Delta from Newark to Quito via Atlanta the travel time was long. As the last train from Manhattan to Newark left at 1:22am [...]

            Black Friday in New York

            By |2015-11-29T07:49:28+10:30November 30th, 2015|Categories: Destinations, North Amercia, USA|Tags: , , , , |

            Black Friday is known around the world as a huge day of shopping. Expectations of massive discounts is why people wait all year for this one Friday in November to do their shopping for both Christmas and the rest of [...]

              Black Friday Sales – Is it Worth the Hype?

              By |2015-11-01T10:20:06+10:30November 2nd, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , |

              Thanksgiving in the US is coming up in a few weeks, a perfect time to see friends and family members whilst eating pumpkin pie. The day after thanksgiving is Black Friday, a day that has become famous around the world [...]

                Photo Friday – New York City

                By |2015-05-29T08:15:09+09:30May 29th, 2015|Categories: Destinations, USA|Tags: , , , , , , , |

                New York City, in my opinion, is the greatest city in the world. Busy areas like Times Square contrast so well with the quiet sections of Central Park. Laying in the Sheep Meadow with a book, walking the city streets, [...]

                  Hostel Review – HI New York City, USA

                  By |2015-04-28T20:19:31+09:30April 29th, 2015|Categories: Destinations, Hostels, North Amercia, Reviews, USA|Tags: , , , , , , |

                  Everyone knows New York is an expensive place to visit, especially if you would like a decent room in a good location. Whilst I was looking into accommodation in the weeks prior to arriving in this amazing city, I kept [...]

                    Photo Friday – Lake Tahoe, USA

                    By |2015-04-23T19:45:24+09:30April 24th, 2015|Categories: Destinations, USA|Tags: , , , , , , , |

                    During my travels have photographed some fantastic locations, people and events. So I've decided to start photo Friday, a photographic showcase of our amazingly beautiful world. For this first photo Friday, I've selected Lake Tahoe in California, USA. Far more [...]

                      Santa Barbara Thanksgiving

                      By |2015-03-21T18:29:21+10:30December 1st, 2014|Categories: Destinations, Life on the Road, North Amercia, USA|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

                      This week I was fortunate enough to spend a traditional American Thanksgiving (my first) with my amazing new friend Cara and her family. On the road I am constantly overwhelmed by the generosity of people I meet, whether they be [...]

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