I am currently on a Shamrocker tour traveling through Ireland and loving it :)
I am currently on a Shamrocker tour traveling through Ireland and loving it :)
U Hostel Madrid is hands down the BEST hostel I have ever stayed in! For the very reasonable price of 22 euro per night for a 6 bed mixed dorm, the added features of this hostel make it more than [...]
I know, I know...everyone has seen these articles go through social media a million times. But now that I have been on the road for a while, and have met many different people who have given me a variety of [...]
So my time in London started out pretty well, but then the rain set in. My progression into grumpiness is pretty funny :)
I love Paris :)
It is with much nostalgia and some sadness that today I remove my BusAbout wristband. Upon my arrival in Paris four days ago, my BusAbout time was officially over, however the orange BusAbout band remained on my arm as a [...]
So I saw this Buzzfeed video pop up today on Nomadic Matt's site, and as it's exactly my life at this very moment, I'm sharing :)
I love Madrid!!! I was a little...underwhelmed by Barcelona. Don't get me wrong, it is a beautiful city, the Gaudi architecture is stunning, the food is great, it is sprawling and crazy, but I think others just talked it up [...]
I have had many people, both at home in Australia and on the road, who when I tell them that I am traveling alone around the world, ask me how I left my life to travel the world. How did [...]
I am traveling on BusAbout through Europe and last night I was in Nice, France and then today traveled on the bus to Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland. I am headed back through to Nice in about 2 weeks and can't wait :)