Top 5 Places to Spend Christmas Abroad

By |2017-01-24T07:59:23+10:30December 23rd, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , , |

I'm sorry everyone for being so slack with my posting! I have been enjoying my time here in Galápagos and am preparing for Christmas abroad once again. As this will be my second Christmas away from home I thought I [...]

Black Friday in New York

By |2015-11-29T07:49:28+10:30November 30th, 2015|Categories: Destinations, North Amercia, USA|Tags: , , , , |

Black Friday is known around the world as a huge day of shopping. Expectations of massive discounts is why people wait all year for this one Friday in November to do their shopping for both Christmas and the rest of [...]

Cheap Tickets for Broadway Shows

By |2015-11-26T03:52:04+10:30November 26th, 2015|Categories: Destinations, North Amercia, USA|Tags: , , , , , , |

When visiting New York, at the top of many people's to do lists is seeing a Broadway show. There are so many fantastic shows available, whether you like musicals, plays, comedies or a mix of everything. For a backpacker like [...]

Photo Friday – New York City

By |2015-05-29T08:15:09+09:30May 29th, 2015|Categories: Destinations, USA|Tags: , , , , , , , |

New York City, in my opinion, is the greatest city in the world. Busy areas like Times Square contrast so well with the quiet sections of Central Park. Laying in the Sheep Meadow with a book, walking the city streets, [...]

Hostel Review – HI New York City, USA

By |2015-04-28T20:19:31+09:30April 29th, 2015|Categories: Destinations, Hostels, North Amercia, Reviews, USA|Tags: , , , , , , |

Everyone knows New York is an expensive place to visit, especially if you would like a decent room in a good location. Whilst I was looking into accommodation in the weeks prior to arriving in this amazing city, I kept [...]

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