Travel Blog2017-01-24T07:59:12+10:30

Places I’ve Been

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7Jun, 2016

Meet the Ghosts in Scotland

June 7th, 2016|0 Comments

Scotland has an amazing, often violent history. So what better way to get to know the history and get up and close personal with the former inhabitants than on a ghost tour? Edinburgh is beautiful during the day, but it seems to come even more to life at night. Eerily lit lanterns line the quiet streets and light the architecturally [...]

30May, 2016

Earning, Managing and Spending Frequent Flyer Points

May 30th, 2016|0 Comments

Most people are aware of frequent flyer points and programs, but many of us don't realise how many we can actually accrue with little to no effort. I've been traveling and living with a points earning mindset for a few years now, really since I first decided to pack up and travel. By thinking strategically about what you spend, how [...]

16May, 2016

4000 Islands from Cambodia to Laos

May 16th, 2016|0 Comments

The 4000 Island Chain runs from the middle of Cambodia along the Mekong River into Southern Laos. It is a remote and stunningly beautiful stretch of islands dotted with small towns, rice fields, and beautiful scenery. The town of Kratie on the Cambodian side is a surprisingly busy hub seemingly in the middle of no where. There are a couple [...]

12May, 2016

Disrespectful Travelers

May 12th, 2016|0 Comments

I was horrified by a story I heard today. A friend who was recently in the Galapagos Islands told me about a couple of girls he was with during his travels, who spent a day by themselves exploring the island. Upon returning they were showing off their photos, some of which were of them standing on top of a tortoise. [...]

9May, 2016

Difficult Weeks

May 9th, 2016|0 Comments

The past week has been a very difficult one for me. Whilst I'm incredibly fortunate to be back in Australia with a great job, safe and cost effective places to live, and friends and family around me, I'm still finding some days really tough. Firstly I was sick, which I hate. I found that whilst traveling I was hardly ever [...]

26Apr, 2016

ANZAC Day in Australia

April 26th, 2016|0 Comments

ANZAC Day is an incredibly important day to Aussies. Whilst commemorating all Australian soldiers who have served in past wars, ANZAC Day does focus specifically on the battle of Gallipoli. For those reading who are not familiar with what happened in Gallipoli, Australian and New Zealand soldiers (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps = ANZACs) landed on the Turkish beach [...]

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