Travel Blog2017-01-24T07:59:12+10:30

Places I’ve Been

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30Nov, 2016

The Best Way to see Galápagos Islands

November 30th, 2016|0 Comments

The Galápagos Islands are situated in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, approximately  two hours flight from the main Ecuador city of Guayaquil. If you are planning your visit to these uniquely awesome islands, first discovered by Charles Darwin and prompting his theory of evolution, you have a few options depending on your budget and timeframe. Galápagos Cruises Boarding a [...]

21Nov, 2016

Lunch with a Lama

November 21st, 2016|0 Comments

This week I had the unique experience of having lunch with a Lama, a Buddhism spiritual leader at the house I am staying at in Guayaquil, Ecuador. The Lama has been known to my boyfriend's family for many years and is currently visiting Ecuador to offer blessings, visit his followers and give speeches on spiritual healing. The family offered to [...]

7Nov, 2016

Day Trip to Puerto El Morro and Playas, Ecuador

November 7th, 2016|0 Comments

Playas is an area on the coast of Ecuador an hour and a half drive from Guayaquil. As we had been staying in the city for a few weeks, my boyfriend and I decided to take a day trip out to Playas in the hope of spotting some dolphins. We were fortunate to have access to a car and so [...]

17Oct, 2016

The Unexpected Guayaquil

October 17th, 2016|0 Comments

Over the past year I have traveled in and out of Guayaquil, Ecuador a lot. When I first arrived in South America in June of 2015 I landed in Guayaquil and have to say that I wasn't particularly impressed. A large commercial trade city located on the River Guayas, Guayaquil is hot, aggressive and mostly.....grey. There are a lot of freeways [...]

4Oct, 2016

“So…What do you Eat in Ecuador?”

October 4th, 2016|2 Comments

"So...What do you eat in Ecuador?" It's a question I was asked a lot before I left Australia and it's one of the first things my friends and family have been asking since I've returned to Ecuador, and it's a very valid question. Food is a huge part of the traveling experience and the pre-conceived ideas that people have about a [...]

19Sep, 2016

Rekindling Travel Friendships

September 19th, 2016|0 Comments

Last weekend I was lucky enough to celebrate the marriage of two very good friends in Sydney, Australia. The day was gorgeous, the wedding was beautiful and of course the bride looked stunning. One of the best parts was meeting up with friends I hadn't seen in years. See, I met the bride and her sister seven years ago on [...]

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