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Hostel Review – Lion Lodge, Lucerne Switzerland
The Lion Lodge in Lucerne, Switzerland is a decent hostel in a good location. Whilst looking for accommodation in Lucerne, I found that there were many hotels/hostels listed on, however they only offered private rooms not dorms - the bane of a solo travelers existence. Traveling in the peak of European summer, I found it difficult to find availability [...]
Road trip – Lake Tahoe
So this week I decided to hire a car and venture out on the great American road trip. I am on the open California road with a hire car, GPS, and some Reese's peanut butter cups (yum!) My first stop on this week long solo road trip is the stunningly beautiful Lake Tahoe 🙂
The lonely days
I'm having a lonely day today. At the moment I am sitting in a hostel in San Francisco. There are people around me in the common area, but no one I have connected with. I went out this morning, walked 10 blocks to Wholefoods to try and get some nutritious food that my body is currently crying out for and [...]
Fun in the snow!!
I have been lucky enough to spend the past few days in Calgary and Banff, Canada with friends that I met in SE Asia back in May when I first started this crazy adventure. Today I saw snow fall for the first time in my life, had fantastic fun in the snow and it was amazing!!!! I had the [...]
I love New York!
I am thrilled I was able to spend just over a month in this amazing, frenetic, friendly, random, beautiful city that epitomises everything a city is and should be. I introduced my Mum to the city. I was given a borough tour and taken to an amazing dinner by a local. I had a song composed, played and sung to [...]
I haven’t forgotten, I am still alive, my life is still amazing 🙂
So I am currently in Chicago and have very slow upload speed. I do have a video journal waiting to go up, I haven't forgotten, I just need to make it happen. But I am still alive, loving life in USA and am still on the move 🙂