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When good tenants go bad.
This week started pretty dismally. My tenants who had been renting my fully furnished house for the past 12 months were moving out. This is a very normal occurrance in the life of a landlord. Working with my property manager a new tenant was found. Dates when the old tenants were leaving and the new tenant was moving in were [...]
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I am thrilled to announce that you can now sign up to my monthly eNewsletter. Receive exclusive news and updates once a month straight to your inbox! The Wanderlust Day's eNewsletter will also feature special discount offers and giveaways not available on the blog. It's completely free, so sign up today!
Travel Clothes Lines are Little Gems
Travel Clothes Line A travel clothes line was suggested to me by someone couple of days before I left on my first solo adventure around the world. I hadn't really thought about packing a clothesline and wasn't aware that these stretchy ones were available. However I am so happy that I bought it. My travel clothes line has come in [...]
5 Essential Tips for Diabetic RTW Travel
People are amazed when I tell them I quit my job to travel around the world. When I tell them I'm a Type 1 diabetic and travel solo, the shock really appears on their face. Diabetes is not a barrier to anything, especially in 2015. A little bit of planning, some flexibility and occasional creativity is all you need to [...]
I’m Bleeding Money this Week
My life this week has been a rollercoaster of adrenaline highs and disappointing lows. On top of that, I feel like I'm bleeding money. After last weekend's visit to the Travel Expo finding some great deals, my travel agent Chevonne and I spent the next few days deciding on my best options. My plan was to leave in May and [...]
Pacsafe CitySafe 100 Handbag review
Pacsafe CitySafe 100 I traveled solo to Europe for 6 weeks in 2012 and bought this bag online from Amazon at the time. As my home is in Adelaide, Australia and this is a USA product, Amazon is often the best. This handbag is my most valued item. It is a sling-style and the Pacsafe range offer slash proof straps, [...]