If you haven’t heard of Tinder, you either don’t really have any single friends or more likely, have been in a happy relationship for the past few years.

Tinder is the latest app being used by singles (and sometimes couples) to meet up, hook up or chat with other singles in their area.

As a single woman traveling around the world solo, I love Tinder. Before I started traveling, I was using Tinder at home but never met up with any of the guys I had chatted with. I didn’t really believe it was a serious way of meeting people. In Adelaide many users would chat with me for a few minutes to a couple of days, but no one was particularly keen to meet up in real life.

Tinder whilst traveling is completely different.

As an Australian woman traveling around the world, spending a very short amount of time (usually a couple of days) in a location, and not really speaking the language of whichever country I’m in, I have never felt more attractive!

In Europe my Tinder matches were at almost 100%, and I am not a ‘yes to everyone’ kind of girl. European men, specifically Italian, French and Spanish are very casual and relaxed, and Tinder seems to fit perfectly within this culture. Many men I connect with through the app are very happy to talk about the best places for me to see, what food to try and why they love their city. Many times I’m asked if I would like to meet for a private tour.

I know what you’re thinking, “Of course he offered to give you a tour, he’s looking to have sex!” Now I am neither naïve nor stupid. Yes many times that is exactly what Tinder guys are after. But I’ve found that if that’s the case, they’re very upfront about it. Europeans are very open and relaxed about love, sex and relationships, and if a guy is just looking to find someone to sleep with, he’ll say it straight up. At this stage communication usually moves away from the Tinder app to an image capable service such as What’s App.


Once you switch to an image capable app, guys will let you know pretty quickly what they’re interested in, no matter how unsolicited….

However most of the men I found myself interested in getting to know more were just as interested in getting to know me. Traveling solo gives me a confidence that I don’t seem to have at home. I’m not sure if it because I am alone and looking to connect with people, or if I’m just more open to new experiences, but I often say yes to my international Tinder matches and meet them for coffee or aperitif at a local bar.

Being safety conscious is of course important, but taking a couple of simple precautions means I can stay comfortable and also meet new people.

By switching to What’s App whoever I’m meeting can send me through a photo of themselves that is hopefully recent. Anyone on Tinder will know how old many user’s profile images can be. Knowing what he actually looks like gives me confidence in meeting.

I always meet up in a public place. Shopping streets with heaps of foot traffic, hostel bars where non-guests are welcome and there are plenty of other travelers around, or cafes in the middle of the day are all great places to arrange a meet. A public place also provides the opportunity to leave easily without him even knowing I was there.

Secondary to this I also send a Tinder safety message to a close friend of mine. No matter where I am in the world, if I’m going to meet up with someone I send her a message letting her know my location, the guy’s name and where I am meeting him. I then message her again a few hours later letting her know that I’m fine (and update her on the story!) My friend may be at home in Australia, but I have left a trail that she can follow if the worst should happen.

In Paris I arranged to meet someone outside of the Louvre. I arrived early, sat amongst the many tourists and watched for my match to arrive. When he did, he was not what I expected. Pacing whilst waiting for me, watching his body language made me nervous. Maybe he was just anxious, but I wasn’t comfortable revealing myself to him. So I didn’t. Not having data on my mobile I walked to the Apple Store under the Louvre for a wi-fi connection and received a flurry of messages from Tinder man. Where was I? How long until I arrive? Where am I now? Again these could just be the messages of a nervous man, but I was happy I decided not to meet. So I apologised, said I had been delayed and that was it. I never heard from him again, no harm no foul.

I also discovered Tinder whilst traveling provides added benefits. In countries where English is not the native language, I try to learn some basic words and phrases. Chatting with users on Tinder internationally, my reading and writing of different languages improves dramatically. The best way to learn a new language is to be submerged in it and messaging through the app, having actual conversations using a mix of English and French for example, improved my French tenfold.

Part of the adventure of traveling is opening yourself up to new experiences, places and people. If you are traveling solo, are single or just wanting to meet new people I thoroughly recommend trying Tinder. You never know who you might find 🙂

Read Loved-Up Travel Part 2: Sex