There is a definite divide in the backpacking community when it comes to organised tours compared with going it alone. Both group tours and independent travel have positives and negatives, so which is better suited to you?

Independent Travel

The idea of traveling independently is terrifying to many, for me however it’s an amazing way to experience the world. Whether you’re a solo traveler or adventuring with a partner or friends independent travel is a great way to meet new people and see the world.

Carly at Lake Louise


– Independent travel allows you to do everything on your own schedule. No waiting around for others, you can change your mind on a whim, or stay longer in one location and leave another because it’s not what you thought.

– You can travel cheaply. Planning your own travel adventure allows you to take advantage of many cheap options. Choosing to take the 14 hour bus for $20 compared with the 2 hour flight for $240, eating inexpensive street food and using public transport to and from locations are all great ways that independent travelers can save a lot of money.

– Take advantage of hostel accommodation. Many independent travelers chose to stay in hostels, both to keep their travel costs down and to take advantage of everything hostels have to offer. Filled with a variety of travelers hostels not only provide an inexpensive place to sleep, they often serve breakfast and dinner, have free wifi, a social atmosphere and great activities you can enjoy.


– Obviously if you are traveling independently you have to organise everything yourself. You are the one responsible for where you’re going to sleep, how you’re going to move around and what you’re going to do when you get to a new location.

– Language barriers can also be a problem. If you’re exploring a country where you don’t speak the language, it can often be difficult to make yourself understood. Whilst some sign language and a lot of patience usually work in most situations, it can be intimidating to be in a bus station alone with everyone yelling to get your attention in a language you don’t understand.

Organised Group Travel

Traveling as part of an organised group can be an excellent way to see the world. With various options available to suit your budget, age and travel style, group tours can be very enjoyable.

Galapagos Group


– Organised tours take much of the thinking out of travel. I find that group tours give me to opportunity to ‘relax’ whilst on the road. I don’t need to organise where I’m going to sleep or the transport I’m going to take. The tour leader is there to arrange everything so I can just relax and show up when I’m supposed to.

– It’s an easy way to make friends. As a solo traveler not only are group tours a chance for me to not think for a few days, it’s a great way to make new friends. Sharing a room with a fellow passenger, eating meals together and experiencing new activities quickly turns strangers into travel buddies and friends.

– You can travel to places that would be difficult to reach independently. Depending on where you are in the world, organised tours can often be the best way to explore remote locations. Often the expense or difficulty in reaching locations independently can turn people off, however organised tours can get you to many more places quickly and easily.

– There are so many varieties of organised tours to choose from. From budget to premium, short trips or long adventures there is a tour to suit everyone.


– On group tours if you don’t like someone, your stuck with them until the tour is over. Sometimes people just don’t get along. Personalities clash, people have annoying habits or (heaven forbid) you’re roommate is a snorer. Whilst you can sometimes request not to be roomed or seated next to a particular person if you really don’t get along, unfortunately everyone is stuck together until the end of the tour.

– You are bound by the tour’s schedule. Organised travel means that the majority of your time is scheduled therefore not allowing you to spend as long as you may want in a location, or spending too much time in another.

– Tours can be expensive. Usually organised tours are more expensive that if you travel independently. However I believe that what you get for your money is usually worth the expense. An experienced local tour leader to guide you and show you hidden locations you otherwise wouldn’t get to see, included activities, the ease of transport and not needing to deal with local languages and customs can make the extra expense worthwhile.

Personally I feel that a mix of both independent travel and organised tours is the way to go. I have been fortunate to travel with fantastic tour companies and groups as well as very successfully alone. Both styles have their positives and negatives, and being able to tailor your travels to what suits your needs and desires is an amazing luxury to have.