After 25 long hours, 3 planes, heaps of airplane food and a few customs checks I have finally made it into Ecuador and I’m thrilled.

Yesterday sitting in Santiago, Chile airport waiting for my flight to Guayaquil I was starting to have some doubts that I had made the right decision to do this again. I was exhausted and alone, thinking about how unfamiliar I am with the lanuguage, customs and culture of this continent I’ve just landed in.

However all of that changed as soon as I stepped out of Guayaquil airport. Hit with the warmth of the evening air, the familiar scent of a humid foreign city brimming with amazing food, charismatic people and a little bit of smog sent excitement through my jet-lagged body.

Before arriving I had thankfully booked into the airport Holiday Inn. Knowing all I would want after a day of travel and no sleep was a good shower and comfortable bed, I’m currently sitting in my hotel room, after spending a comfortable night, preparing for the day ahead.

I’m traveling by bus to Montanita today. I need to head out this morning and buy a bus ticket and take the 3 hour ride to what has been described to me as a beachside surfing party town. Having come from winter in Australia, I’m so looking forward to spending a couple of days relaxing in the sun, trying some local freshly made Ceviche, enjoying a couple of beers and easing into this amazing life of mine.