Venice is a beautiful Italian city with so much more to discover and explore than just the Old Town.

Venezia is one of a group of islands in the area and whilst it is amazing and you could easily spend 2 or 3 days getting lost within the narrow alleyways, shops, canals and squares, you can also very easily travel via Vaporetto to the surrounding islands of Murano, Burano and Lido.

I took a Vaporetto ferry from Piazzale Roma out to Burano, a small town of beautifully coloured buildings, lovely people and delicious food. Whilst the ferry was full and I did have to wait over 1/2 hr in the sun and heat to get on from Piazzale Roma, it was easy to change at Murano and head to Burano for a few hours.

Day Vaporetto tickets are available for approx 18 euro which allows you to take as many trips as you like within 12 hours, however as I was just headed to Burano I purchased 2 x 1hr tickets for 7 euro each. I was then also able to take the scenic route back on the San Marco ferry, giving me a coastal view of Venice 🙂

Exploring Venice

Venice is so easy to fall in love with.