My travels around the world are about to find me back in my home town of Adelaide, Australia.

As I reflect upon the past year of my life, I find myself at a loss to fully convey how truly grateful I am for the opportunities placed before me.

I have adventured through some of the most beautiful places the world. I have interacted with the wildlife, indulged in the food, and (at times) overindulged in the alcohol.

I have traveled on planes, trains, buses, cars, long boats, ferries and elephants. I have stayed in hostels, hotels, tents, apartments, couchsurfed, and been hosted by some extremely generous and wonderful families and friends.

But it is the individual people around the world that have had the biggest impact upon me. The kindness of strangers is something that before I left, I never imagined would dictate where I would end up next.

I have met the most wonderful people all over the world. Many, for no reason other than true kindness, have helped with me directions, shared their meals, bought me dinner, given me transport, accepted my into their homes, families and lives. Others I shared cities, countries, rooms, walking tours, dinners, drinks, and travel highs and lows, often without knowing everyone’s names.

My memories are my most valued possession, and I am truly grateful for the amazing, generous, funny, life changing strangers-turned-friends I have met on the road. I am lucky enough to have an abundance of memories from the past year that many people will likely not possess in a lifetime. I often find myself in a quiet moment thinking through them, remembering and smiling, reminding myself yet again that my life is truly amazing.

To those I have met on the road, no matter how briefly, you never leave my mind. Every person has their place. Many people I meet I have no way of contacting again and they remain with me only as a beautiful memory, likely having no idea how much of an impact they truly had upon my life.

But…the adventure is not over. Really it has just begun.

Looking to the future, I realise that going back to Australia doesn’t mean going back to my pre-traveling life. I’m not the same person I was when I left. All the places, experiences and people I have encountered are with me at all times. Because of this, I am stepping into a new life when I return home, not going back to the one I left.

I’m not ready to give up the overwhelming life of wanderlust I have happily thrown myself into over the past year. I have no idea what my future holds and am excited to keep finding the paths I’m supposed to take.

So stay tuned….more is coming xxx