I love Florence. It is possibly my favourite Italian city.

Florence brail map

I had been to Firenze previously with TopDeck in 2012 and am thrilled that I have been able to come back. The city is so relaxed and easy to navigate as there are a minimal amount of cars in the main city area so it is perfect for walking.

Whilst exploring Florence with a new hostel friend I had met the day before, we had lunch at a fabulous restaurant I visited 2 years ago and I am happy to say the pasta was just as amazing this time.

Florence pasta

Traveling on a tight backpacker budget, most of my meals have lately been either out of a packet (e.g. musli bars, crackers & cheese) or handheld and eaten whilst on the move (slice of pizza, foccacia) so it was nice to be able to sit in a restaurant with someone else and enjoy a tasty meal. However, this also meant that my budget for the day had been reached (tasty pasta meal was on 15 euro, but a bug chunk of my daily 35 euro incl. accommodation budget).

So in true backpacker style, a visit to the supermarket for some tin foil containers, a box of cereal and UHT milk, allowed me to enjoy a budget dinner whilst  watch the sunset set over Florence from Palazzo Michelangelo.

Florence sunset