The markets of Cusco are an eclectic mix of products, food, colors and people. Every Saturday stalls fill the streets of the ‘market area’ of old town Cusco. Packed with local sellers and shoppers the markets are a feast for the eyes, with interesting sights stretching across a five block radius.
Walking along a broken dirt road being pushed and shoved by locals is a somewhat confronting shopping experience. There are so many things to see and try and taste. Women pushing wheelbarrows filled with watermelons, carts of quail eggs, a variety of fruits and even one guy with a ‘healing’ cart complete with alligator head and a whole dead turtle.
On one side of the street there are electronics and knives for sale, on the other a woman is shaving a man whilst selling clothes and shoes.
And if you’re looking for knuckle rings, Cusco market is the place for you.
The ‘black market’ stores are also located in this area of the city. Black market clothing and footwear is everywhere and this is the place most locals shop for their not so brand-name items. Mannequins with shapely asses and interesting facial expressions model the clothing that is surprisingly good quality.
So next time you’re in Cusco visit the market area of the city. The local market runs every Saturday with the black market stores open every day.
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