For the past two weeks I have been traveling through Ecuador and Peru on a Tucan Tour and it has been great. I love going on tours because I can relax. The tour leader is the one in charge of where we sleep and how we get there, what to do when the planned bus is full or broken down, or the accommodation has lost the booking. Being on tour I don’t have to worry about any of that, I can just relax with my fellow passengers and have fun.

But tours, like everything else, don’t last forever and yesterday mine ended. Leaving my new friends behind to take on the crazy continent alone got the best of me last night. I’d had trouble yesterday with the hostel I moved into. It was extremely difficult to find, didn’t match the quality of the reviews I had read, was not very social and just a very disappointing start to my time once again traveling solo.

As much as I love being my own boss, deciding where I go and when depending on whatever sounds good, it’s comforting to be with others when traveling through the unknown. I miss my travel mates, my roommates, my tour leaders and my friends.

I think the end of this tour has been a little more difficult because I did two tours very close together. Intrepid Galapagos a few weeks ago and then into Tucan a week after meant I have been treated to a lot of comforts for the past few weeks.

But as I said now I’m back on my own and everything will be great. Today is Independence Day in Peru and I have decided to leave this less than impressive hostel for an inexpensive hotel in the Central area of Lima, which will be crazy with Independence Day celebrations. Already everything is fine. The hotel I’m moving to have contacted me to say they will come and collect me from my hostel in Miraflores to take me back to Central because many of the streets are closed and they want me to make it there safely.

I’m excited for my next few months. I know I will meet many more friends along this crazy adventure, and meet up with others I’ve already made. So onward I go!