The Amalfi Coast is stunningly beautiful. People had expressed envy that I was headed here and truthfully I didn’t really know what to expect from this coastal area, but I have been completely blown away by it’s beauty and not just due to the scenery.

Amalfi Coast


Since being here a few friends have asked me what it is like, how I traveled here, how much it cost and is it worth it?

I can 100% say yes it is definitely worth your time to travel down to Southern Italy and visit the Amalfi Coast. The people, culture, food and relaxed atmosphere make it a wonderful place to easily explore without spending too much money.

Getting to the Amalfi Coast

The Amalfi Coast is really easy to get to from either Rome or Napoli. I booked train tickets online a couple of days before departing Rome and decided to base myself in Salerno as there is a train that comes here directly from Rome, rather than changing lines in Napoli. I had also done some online research and discovered that Salerno is a reasonably unknown area that is inexpensive and very easy to use as a base point when exploring the coast – perfect 🙂

So I booked tickets from Termini in Rome using Italo one way for 40 euro and Trenitalia back again for 29 euro (Why they were different prices for the same train journey I do not know – this is Italy).

As I am backpacking around the world and my budget is very limited, I happily discovered a great hostel in Salerno. Ave Gratia Plena is and old convent turned home for wayward girls turned youth hostel in the heart of Salerno

I was able to get a dorm room for 16 euro per night in this extremely pleasant and well located Italian gem. It is very clean with extremely friendly staff and an easy walking distance from the main areas of this charming city.


Day Trips

The Amalfi Coast is made up of a collection of small towns along the coastline. Salerno is one of the larger, more like a small city than a town, and Maiori, Positano and Amalfi are really just small tourist based towns.

Carly Amalfi Coast


There is a coastal bus that travels between the points along the coast which really needs to be experienced by anyone traveling here (if you get motion sick, get a spot at the front….) The cost of the bus ticket is 3.80 euro for 90mins and that will get you as much traveling within that 90min as you like. In reality though it will likely get you on to a maximum of 2 buses as Salerno to Amalfi is approximately 1 hr, and Amalfi to Positano is an additional 1 hr ride.

You can also take the ferry between the different areas. Traveling to Positano I took the bus to Amalfi (and didn’t have the greatest experience due to sitting at the back above the wheels with heat and gas fumes surrounding me for the full ride.) So once in Amalfi I decided to jump onto the ferry for 8 euro and take the 1/2 hr trip to Positano.

Traveling on the top deck of the ferry in the sunshine and fresh air provides spectacular scenery and great photos opportunities.

I also decided to pay 12 euro and take the ferry directly back to Salerno from Positano. The trip back only took 1 hr in total and was much more appealing than sitting on a 2 hour bus ride crammed full of people at 5pm 🙂

Ferries are also available to go out to Sorrento and Capri, and train and bus services also allow you to visit Napoli and Pompei.