Before packing my bags to start a traveling life, I worked as a web designer and digital marketer. With the help of my Macbook Pro, Skype and Dropbox I now work with clients as a nomadic web designer.

If you’re thinking of updating your website or blog, or creating an entirely new one contact me for a quote.

WordPress Website

From $1,100

Navigation menu

Customised landing page

2 additional page layouts
(services, about, etc)

Contact form

Responsive design

Social media sharing options


SEO plugin

Full installation

1 hour training on WordPress and making updates/changes

WordPress Blog

From $500

Navigation menu

Blog/landing page

1 additional page layout
(about, contact, etc)

Contact form

Responsive design

Social media sharing options


SEO plugin

Full installation

1 hour training on WordPress and making updates/changes

Additional Services


Blog page


Proof reading

Image production


Web hosting ($60 per year)