I know when many people travel they look forward to unplugging. Forgetting phones, leaving inboxes to fill up, ignoring voicemail messages and just disconnecting for a while. And yes whilst this is a fantastic way to enjoy your trip and everyone should aim to unplug for at least a portion, sometimes it’s important to be able to connect when you want. It is so easy to save your spending money and talk and message free when traveling, you just need to know how to do it!

Your equipment

The devices you decide to carry with you is a huge part of the packing process. Do you want to take your brand new iPhone that may get washed over a waterfall in paradise? (I watched this happen recently to a friend of mine. Many consoling drinks were consumed that day…) Are you happy to risk your laptop being stolen? Could an accident cost you a whole lot of money in the long run?

It is important to consider how long you will be traveling, where you’re going and how often you will actually use the items you want to take.

Over the past year I have traveled with an iPhone 3GS and my Macbook Pro. I used both of these items constantly and would not be without them. Carrying an older model phone that I wouldn’t be devastated losing was a really good decision and made traveling less stressful. There were a couple times when my phone was left on a counter, in a house, or in a bar but luckily for me I was able to get it back each time and it wouldn’t cost be a fortune if the worst happened.

If you’re undecided about taking your favourite gadget and having doubts that it will be worthwhile, don’t take it. Resenting your decision to pack something that you can’t leave in a hotel room will just bring your adventure down. Plus your stuff will be waiting safely for you at home when you return.


The never ending search for wifi is, nowadays, something pretty much every traveler deals with. However there are so many hostels, cafes and restaurants that offer free wifi it really is the best way to communicate, plan and connect with the rest of the world.

Communicate for Free

Here are some fantastic wifi apps that are free, reliable and simple to use:


Viber – This is one of my favourite apps when traveling. Free to download, as long as you are connected to wifi you can message and talk for as long as you like with anyone else who also has the Viber app free from anywhere in the world. Also available as a laptop app I have spent hours on the road speaking with friends and family whilst in a hostel or cafe with decent wifi completely free. The other great feature of Viber is their reasonably new Viber Out feature. This allows you to put credit on your account and make phone calls to landlines and other mobiles anywhere in the world for a very cheap call rate of approximately $0.02 per minute. My $20AUD credit that I put on a year ago is currently sitting at a healthy $16.70 after making multiple international calls whilst on the road.

WhatsAppWhatsApp – A perfect app for sending text, picture and voice messages through wifi. Europe seems to be the place I’ve found where WhatsApp is used extensively, and why not? All you need is some wifi and you’re communicating free!


FacebookFacebook – Everyone is on it. Some people hate it, many are obsessed with it, but no matter your view Facebook really is a social media powerhouse. Providing a variety of ways to connect, share, communicate and for many people, live vicariously through their friends and family who are off having adventures, Facebook is a free, easy and reliable way of staying in touch.